Saturday, December 19, 2009


Well, that did not go as planned. It's unfortunate because I was really looking forward to riding my Kur (freestyle, it's my dressage test to music). I cannot change how I did, but I know that I tried my best and it just didn't work out. Jive was just not himself tonight, and it's so unfortunate that he had to choose tonight to not be in the best of moods. But, it happens. They are individuals, and tonight was just not a good night.

However, I am SO HAPPY to have come to all the way to Germany, and to have represented Canada at the YR world cup!!!! It's unreal! It's been the most AMAZING experience of my life. The support of my family and trainer, who traveled around the world with me, is something that I cannot express how thankful I am for. They are amazing. And also everyone back home who has given me so much encouragement and support! Amazing, amazing, amazing. Thank you so much.

Shout out to my best girl from the United States, Kassandra Barteau, who claimed second place tonight with a 68.65! Great job girl. I knew you could do it! :D

1 comment:

  1. Hey Ames, Sorry things didn't go as planned! But like you said what an experience. I have been looking at the pictures, and your smile is bigger then ever ( if that is possible). So glad to see you so happy, and that this experience was amazing. Can't wait to have you home. Tell Jive I say hello. lol. Have a safe journey<3
